Tanto el cantante londinense (aunque hijo de escocés) Rod Stewart como el también inglés Bryan Ferry deben su fama a grandes éxitos tanto en singles como álbumes de la genial década del ochenta. Sin embargo, a medida que los años fueron pasando para sus carreras artístico-profesionales, fueron evolucionando hacia la difusión de canciones de ritmo más lento, cuando no, más bien de tono romántico.

Aquí seleccionamos tres de ellas, dos a cargo de un mismo solista.

En el caso de Stewart (74 años de edad), la canción “Still the same”, es su versión de la melodía del mismo nombre que compuso por primera vez en 1978, el norteamericano de género “country”, Bob Seger (74 años), el mismo de “Against the wind” (1980).

Letra (lyrics):

You always won, everytime you placed a bet
You’re still damn good, no one’s gotten to you yet
Everytime they were sure they had you caught
You were quicker than they thought
You’d just turn your back and walk
You always said, the cards would never do you wrong
The trick you said was never play the game too long
A gambler’s share, the only risk that you would take
The only loss you could forsake
The only bluff you couldn’t fake

And you’re still the same
I caught up with you yesterday
Moving game to game
No one standing in your way
Turning on the charm
Long enough to get you by
You’re still the same
You still aim high

There you stood, everybody watched you play
I just turned and walked away
I had nothing left to say

‘Cause you’re still the same
You’re still the same
Moving game to game
Some thlngs never change
You’re still the same

En cambio, Ferry (73 años de edad), quien se hizo muy célebre por su gran canción “Slave to love” (1985) en la banda sonora de la recordada película de alto volumen erótico (para la época) “Nueve semanas y media” (1986), pudo reproducir con su particular estilo de barítono glamoroso, la famosa canción de John Lennon -junto a su esposa Yoko Ono-, “Jeaulous guy”.

Letra (lyrics):

I was dreaming of the past
And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control
I didn’t mean to hurt you
I’m sorry that I made you cry

Oh my I didn’t want to hurt you
I’m just a jealous guyI was feeling insecure
You might not love me anymore
I was shivering inside
I was shivering inside
Oh I didn’t mean to hurt you
I’m sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn’t want to hurt you
I’m just a jealous guy

I didn’t mean to hurt you
I’m sorry that I made you cry
Oh my I didn’t want to hurt you
I’m just a jealous guyI was trying to catch your eyes
Thought that you was trying to hide
I was swallowing my pain
I was swallowing my pain
I didn’t mean to hurt you

I’m sorry that I made you cry
Oh no I didn’t want to hurt you
I’m just a jealous guy
Watch out baby I’m just a jealous guy
Look out baby I’m just a jealous guy

También aquí vamos a sumar un excelente single llamado “Johnny y Mary”, que antes que Ferry, difundió el también inglés Robert Palmer, fallecido de un infarto de miocardio, a la edad de 54 años en 2003, en <París. La particularidad de esta versión es que cuenta con la musicalización del DJ noruego Todd Terje.

Letra (lyrics):

Johnny’s always running around
Trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm
That he ain’t lonely Mary counts the walls
Knows he tires easily

Johnny thinks the world would be right
If it could buy truth from him
Mary says he changes his mind
More than a woman
But she made her bed
Even when the chance was slim

Johnny says he’s willing to learn
When he decides he’s a fool
Johnny says he’ll live anywhere
When he earns time to Mary combs her hair
Says she should be used to it

Mary always hedges her bets
She never knows what to think
She says that he still acts like he’s
Being discovered
Scared that he’ll be caught
Without a second thought
Running around

Johnny feels he’s wasting his breath
Trying to talk sense to her
Mary says he’s lacking a real
Sense of proportion
So she combs her hair
Knows he tires easily

Johnny’s always running around
Trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm
That he ain’t lonely
Mary counts the walls
Says she should be used to it
Johnny’s always running around
Running around

Cabe recordar que el británico antes de emprender su carrera solista formó parte de la banda de punk-rock, “Roxy Music”, con quienes puso en los primeros lugares de los rankings musicales, a “More than this”, la misma que cobró fama tardía en la película “Perdidos en Tokio” (2003), en la que una joven Scarlett Johansson coprotagonizaría con el veterano Bill Murray.

Acerca de Marcelo Montes

Doctor y Magister en Relaciones Internacionales. Politólogo. Profesor universitario, área Política Internacional. Analista de la política exterior de la Federación Rusa. Investigador. Columnista de medios de comunicación escrita, radial y televisiva. http://consultoriayanalisisrrii.blogspot.com.ar/ https://twitter.com/marceloomontes
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